Our adventure is to make French style burgundy type wines in the Istrian peninsula using the highest quality Istrian grapes

After working in vineyards in Burgundy in his native France, Olivier Ertzbischoff moved to Gracisce in Istria to establish his winery. The name of the winery pays homage to his French roots, and the wines produced offer a change to the traditional Istrian wines. They produce Chardonnays and Malvazijas using a Burgundy type of vinification, and most of their wines are aged in oak. Their signature red wine, Nomad, is produced with Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon and the indigenous Istrian grape Teran, and is aged in oak bariques for 2 years.

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7 Cork St, Upper Bristol Rd, Lower Weston, Bath, BA1 3BB


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